Why should you use a facilitator

Why should you use a facilitator

The other day, I was asked by a franchisee in a large franchise organization: “What are the benefits of having a facilitator at a Franchisee meeting?” First, I started to think that the answer was obvious, then I decided to quiet my brain, and I came to understand...
Make the hard choices now, they only get harder!

Make the hard choices now, they only get harder!

From canceling a contract to dealing with a team member who is not pulling their weight, it is always better to deal with these situations sooner than later. It makes good sense, but why don’t we do it? It is human nature to put off things that don’t feel good, while...

Feedback is only good if you use it!

In the past we have all received surveys asking our opinion about a product, a stay in a hotel, or some such thing. The information collected in these types of surveys is useful as long as the information is actually used. In my experience there are two factors that...
It’s all in the body

It’s all in the body

I was negotiating with a business associate the other day and he was giving me mixed signals that made me very uncomfortable to say the least. On one hand he was telling me that every thing I was asking for in this particular transaction would not be a problem, but on...
Asking the question, finds the answer

Asking the question, finds the answer

In my last posting I talked about communication—but the listening side more then the talking side of communication. Next, I want to talk about the next part of my definition of sales: Need. This is an important part of the sales process. A customer must not only...